JavaScript Subroutines: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

JavaScript subroutines are an essential building block for creating efficient, organized, and maintainable code. They are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task, which can be called from different parts of your code.

In this article, we’ll dive into what JavaScript subroutines are, how they work, and how to use them effectively.

What are JavaScript Subroutines?

A JavaScript subroutine, also known as a function, is a self-contained block of code that performs a specific task. It can be invoked (called) multiple times in your code, making it easier to reuse the same code in different parts of your application.

For example, you can create a subroutine that calculates the sum of two numbers, and then call this subroutine from different parts of your code whenever you need to perform the calculation.

Creating JavaScript Subroutines

To create a JavaScript subroutine, you use the function keyword, followed by the name of the subroutine and any parameters it requires in parentheses. Here’s a basic example:

function addNumbers(a, b) {
  return a + b;

In this example, the addNumbers the subroutine takes two parameters (a and b) and returns their sum.

Invoking JavaScript Subroutines

Once you’ve created a subroutine, you can call it (invoke it) from different parts of your code. To do this, you simply write the name of the subroutine followed by its parameters in parentheses. For example:

let result = addNumbers(5, 3);
console.log(result); // Output: 8

In this example, the addNumbers the subroutine is invoked with the parameters 5 and 3. The result of the calculation (8) is stored in the result variable and logged to the console.

Examples of JavaScript Subroutines

Here are some examples of how you can use subroutines to make your code more efficient and organized:

Generating Random Numbers

You can create a subroutine that generates a random number between a given minimum and maximum value:

function getRandomNumber(min, max) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

let randomNum = getRandomNumber(1, 10);
console.log(randomNum); // Output: a random number between 1 and 10

In this example, the getRandomNumber a subroutine can be used to generate random numbers in many different parts of your code, making your code more efficient and easier to maintain.

Performing String Operations

You can create a subroutine that performs operations on strings, such as counting the number of characters in a string:

function countCharacters(str) {
  return str.length;

let charCount = countCharacters("Hello, world!");
console.log(charCount); // Output: 13

In this example, the countCharacters subroutine takes a string as its parameter and returns the number of characters in the string.


JavaScript subroutines are a powerful tool for creating efficient, organized, and maintainable code. They allow you to reuse the same code in multiple parts of your application, making your code more modular and easier to maintain. By creating subroutines for specific tasks, you can keep your code organized and avoid duplication.

When using subroutines, it’s important to choose descriptive names for your subroutines that clearly indicate what they do and to make sure your subroutines have well-defined inputs and outputs. This will help you and others understand your code more easily.

In conclusion, incorporating subroutines into your JavaScript code can greatly improve the structure, readability, and maintainability of your applications. Start using subroutines today to take your coding skills to the next level!

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