Hover effect for 403 forbidden page using only css

403 forbidden CSS hover effect developed using CSS and HTML. Demo and download available.

Demo Download

AuthorPiotr Galor
CreatedSEPTEMBER 18, 2018
Compatible browsersChrome, Firefox, Safari

HTML Snippet

<div class="scene">   <div class="overlay"></div>   <div class="overlay"></div>   <div class="overlay"></div>   <div class="overlay"></div>   <span class="bg-403">403</span>   <div class="text">     <span class="hero-text"></span>     <span class="msg">can't let <span>you</span> in.</span>     <span class="support">       <span>unexpected?</span>       <a href="#">contact support</a>     </span>   </div>   <div class="lock"></div> </div>

CSS Code

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=IBM+Plex+Mono|Sedgwick+Ave+Display');  :root {   --font-display: 'Sedgwick Ave Display';   --font-sans-serif: 'IBM Plex Mono';   --box-shadow: 0px 21px 34px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.89);   --color-bg: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(35,37,38,1) 0%,rgba(32,38,40,1) 100%);   --scene-width: 400px;   --scene-height: 400px;   --delay-base: 500ms;   --delay-added: 100ms;   --acc-back: cubic-bezier(0.390, 0.575, 0.565, 1.000); }  *, *:before, *:after{   box-sizing:border-box;   -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255,255,255,0); }  body{   width: 100vw; height: 100vh;   margin: 0;   padding: 0;   background: var(--color-bg);   display: flex;   align-items: center;   justify-content: center;   color: #fff;   overflow: hidden; }  .scene{   position: relative;   width: var(--scene-width);   height: var(--scene-height);   transition: transform 600ms var(--acc-back);   display: flex;   align-items: center; }  .scene:hover{   transform: scale(.98) skewY(-1deg); }  .scene > *{   transition: transform 600ms var(--acc-back); }  .text{   transition: transform 600ms var(--acc-back), opacity 100ms ease-in;   height: inherit;   width: 100%;    height: 100%;   z-index: 7;   position: relative;   pointer-events: none; }  .scene:hover .text{   opacity: 1;   transform: scale(.91); }  @keyframes popInImg{   0%{     transform: skewY(5deg) scaleX(.89) scaleY(.89);     opacity: 0;   }   100%{     opacity: 1;       } }  .text span{   display: block;   font-family: var(--font-sans-serif);   text-align: center;   text-shadow: var(--box-shadow);   animation: popIn 600ms var(--acc-back) 1 forwards;   opacity: 0; }  @keyframes popIn{   0%,13%{     transform: scaleX(.89) scaleY(.75);     opacity: 0;   }   100%{      opacity: 1;       } }  .bg-403{   font-size: 440px;   font-family: var(--font-display);   animation-delay: calc(var(--delay-base) + 2 * var(--delay-added));   z-index: 0;   background: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(32,38,40,0) 25%,rgba(49,57,61,1) 100%);   -webkit-background-clip: text;   -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;   transform: translateX(-25%) translateZ(-100px) skewY(-3deg);   position: absolute;   pointer-events: none;   transition: transform 1200ms var(--acc-back); }  .msg{   bottom: -38px; right: -21px;   font-size: 34px;   animation-delay: calc(var(--delay-base) + 3 * var(--delay-added));   color: #8b8b8b;   margin-top: 144px;   letter-spacing: 2px; }  .msg span{   transform: skewX(-13deg);   display: inline-block;   color: #fff;   letter-spacing: -1px; }  .support{   bottom: -50px; right: -21px;   font-size: 21px;   animation-delay: calc(var(--delay-base) + 4 * var(--delay-added));    display: block;   margin-top: 89px;   color: #686a6b; }  .support span{   margin-bottom: 5px; }  .support a{   display: inline-block;   color: #b2b3b4;   text-decoration: none;   pointer-events: initial; }  .support a:after{   content: '';   width: 110%; margin-left: -5%;   height: 5px;   display: block;   background: #fff;   opacity: .55;   margin-top: 13px;   outline: 1px solid transparent; }  .support a:hover:after{    opacity: 1; }  .support a:focus, .support a:active{   outline: none; }  @media screen and (max-width: 539px){    }  .overlay{   display: block;   position: absolute;   cursor: pointer;   width: 50%;   height: 50%;   z-index: 1;   transform: translateZ(34px); }  .overlay:nth-of-type(1){   left: 0;   top: 0; }  .overlay:nth-of-type(2){   right: 0;   top: 0; }  .overlay:nth-of-type(3){   bottom: 0;   right: 0; }  .overlay:nth-of-type(4){   bottom: 0;   left: 0; }  .overlay:nth-of-type(1):hover ~ .lock, .overlay:nth-of-type(1):focus ~ .lock{   transform-origin: right top;   transform:  translateY(-3px) translateX(5px) rotateX(-13deg) rotateY(3deg) rotateZ(-2deg) translateZ(0) scale(.89); }  .overlay:nth-of-type(1):hover ~ .bg-403, .overlay:nth-of-type(1):focus ~ .bg-403{   transform: translateX(-27%) skewY(-3deg) rotateX(-13deg) rotateY(3deg) translateZ(-100px) scale(.89); }  .overlay:nth-of-type(2):hover ~ .lock, .overlay:nth-of-type(2):focus ~ .lock{   transform-origin: left top;   transform: translateY(-3px) translateX(5px) rotateX(13deg) rotateY(3deg) rotateZ(2deg) translateZ(0) scale(1.03); }  .overlay:nth-of-type(2):hover ~ .bg-403, .overlay:nth-of-type(2):focus ~ .bg-403{   transform: translateX(-21%) skewY(-3deg) rotateX(13deg) rotateY(3deg) translateZ(-100px); }  .overlay:nth-of-type(3):hover ~ .lock, .overlay:nth-of-type(3):focus ~ .lock{   transform-origin: left bottom;   transform: translateY(3px) translateX(-5px) rotateX(-13deg) rotateY(3deg) rotateZ(-2deg) translateZ() scale(.96); }  .overlay:nth-of-type(3):hover ~ .bg-403, .overlay:nth-of-type(3):focus ~ .bg-403{   transform: translateX(-23%)  rotateX(-13deg) rotateY(3deg) translateZ(-100px); }  .overlay:nth-of-type(4):hover ~ .lock, .overlay:nth-of-type(4):focus ~ .lock{   transform-origin: right bottom;   transform: translateY(3px) translateX(5px) rotateX(-13deg) rotateY(-3deg) rotateZ(2deg) translateZ(0) scale(.89); }  .overlay:nth-of-type(4):hover ~ .bg-403, .overlay:nth-of-type(4):focus ~ .bg-403{   transform: translateX(-19%) rotateX(-13deg) rotateY(-3deg) translateZ(-100px); }  .lock{   box-shadow: 32px 8px 0 0 #e4e4e4, 40px 8px 0 0 #e4e4e4, 48px 8px 0 0 #e4e4e4, 56px 8px 0 0 #e4e4e4, 24px 16px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 32px 16px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 40px 16px 0 0 #909090, 48px 16px 0 0 #909090, 56px 16px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 64px 16px 0 0 #e4e4e4, 16px 24px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 24px 24px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 32px 24px 0 0 #909090, 56px 24px 0 0 #909090, 64px 24px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 72px 24px 0 0 #e4e4e4, 16px 32px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 24px 32px 0 0 #909090, 64px 32px 0 0 #909090, 72px 32px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 16px 40px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 24px 40px 0 0 #909090, 64px 40px 0 0 #909090, 72px 40px 0 0 #cbcbcb, 16px 48px 0 0 #909090, 24px 48px 0 0 #909090, 64px 48px 0 0 #909090, 72px 48px 0 0 #909090, 8px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 16px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 24px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 32px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 40px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 48px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 56px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 64px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 72px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 80px 56px 0 0 #fbec79, 8px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 16px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 24px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 32px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 40px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 48px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 56px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 64px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 72px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 80px 64px 0 0 #ffc107, 8px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 16px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 24px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 32px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 40px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 48px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 56px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 64px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 72px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 80px 72px 0 0 #ffc107, 8px 80px 0 0 #ff9800, 16px 80px 0 0 #ffc107, 24px 80px 0 0 #ffc107, 32px 80px 0 0 #ffc107, 40px 80px 0 0 #ffc107, 48px 80px 0 0 #ff9800, 56px 80px 0 0 #ff9800, 64px 80px 0 0 #ff9800, 72px 80px 0 0 #ff9800, 16px 88px 0 0 #ff9800, 24px 88px 0 0 #ff9800, 32px 88px 0 0 #ff9800, 40px 88px 0 0 #ff9800, 48px 88px 0 0 #ff9800, 56px 88px 0 0 #ff9800, 64px 88px 0 0 #ff9800, 72px 88px 0 0 #ff9800, 24px 96px 0 0 #ff9800, 32px 96px 0 0 #ff9800, 40px 96px 0 0 #ff9800, 48px 96px 0 0 #ff9800, 56px 96px 0 0 #ff9800, 64px 96px 0 0 #ff9800;   height: 8px;   width: 8px;   position: absolute;   left: calc(50% - 48px);   top: 0;   transform-style: preserve-3d;   backface-visibility: hidden;   pointer-events: none;   outline: 1px solid transparent; }


Hover effect for 403 forbidden page using only css preview

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